Interactive grammar exercise (prepositions)
from “The Princess's Man” Part 3

Cloze test
with time limit and automatic scoring

Fill in all the gaps and then press the "Check" button at the bottom of the page to check your answers. If the time limit has expired, reload/refresh this page to start all over again, or proceed to the next exercise. (Best viewed on Firefox or Chrome)
   about      around      at      by      from      of      to   
Episode 3

Prefect Shin Myeon arrives and rescues Kim Seung-yu and Se-ryung the assassins.

As King Munjong’s condition worsens, Princess Gyeonghye becomes aware the danger her and the Crown Prince because of Prince Suyang; she realizes that her marriage Kim Seung-yu is the only guarantee their safety. Later on, she orders Se-ryung to avoid seeing Kim Seung-yu.

Prince Suyang’s adviser tells him the unknown noble lady who protected Kim Seung-yu; on the other hand, after finding out the assassins, Minister Kim Jong-seo warns Kim Seung-yu Prince Suyang.

Despite Princess Gyeonghye’s warning, Se-ryung meets Kim Seung-yu again. They wander the market together, but unknown them, they’re being watched one Prince Suyang’s men.

Prince Suyang orders his men to kidnap the head the Office Astronomy. Later on, he invites Counselor Shin Sukju a late-night meeting his house. Unknown Counselor Shin Sukju, Prince Suyang has also invited his son Prefect Shin Myeon.